WP Social SEO Booster Plugin

WP Social SEO Booster Plugin – Turn your Website Blog into a Social SEO Traffic Powerhouse. This WordPress Plugin does this all seamlessly and can take a poor performing website or blog to a Higher Ranking FAST!


The WP Social SEO Booster Plugin will Help Increase Social SEO Rankings in Google by:

1.  Optimizing Your Website or Blog for Facebook Open Graph SEO for increased Ranking in Google and Facebook

2.  Seamlessly Integrating Google Authorship for Single and Multi-Author Blogs.

3.  Connecting Google Plus to Your Blog for enhanced Publisher status and Finely Tuned Search Results

4.  Implementing the use of Rich Snippets Tagging for all of your Content, increasing your ability to Rank in Fine tuned Search Results and increasing your Click Conversions.

5.  Adding in Twitter Meta Tags for increased connections between Google, Twitter, and your content.

Details  –  CLICK HERE

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